Technology Cost Consulting

Restaurant Software

A graphic of a clipboard with paper attachedThe Client’s Need

An aspiring entrepreneur had an idea for some new restaurant software and was about to take friend and family money to start building and marketing it. He needed experts to help him know what he was getting into and to lay out the expected costs.

A graphic of 4 interlocked puzzle piecesThe Project

We provided a full breakdown of anticipated hardware costs, software costs, maintenance costs, cabling installation costs, along with potential risks of his idea failing that he should address. It opened his eyes to the idea not being profitable without charging more than he projected restaurants would be willing to pay.  Ultimately, he wisely opted to wait for some other idea and was able to avoid sinking both his and his family’s money into an unprofitable idea.

Our expertise can inform you, so you know what to expect.

A graphic of gearsComponents

  • Consulting
  • Project cost estimation
  • Scalability analysis
  • Software extensibility analysis
  • Handheld touchscreen system

A graphic of a USB thumb driveTechnology

  • Misc hardware platforms (compared)
  • iPad