Scalable System Design

Mook Consulting

A graphic of a clipboard with paper attachedThe Client’s Need

The previous Access database that this consulting firm was using was no longer meeting their needs, and they needed a new solution, fast.

A graphic of 4 interlocked puzzle piecesThe Project

On a tight deadline from the start, we familiarized ourselves with the previous system and built a brand new solution that could scale with their growth and be accessed from mobile platforms.

Outgrowing an Access Database? Need your data mobile? We make it happen on tight timelines.

A graphic of gearsComponents

  • Full service hosting
  • Advanced database module
  • Advanced report module
  • Automatic update engine
  • Copyright security module
  • User and group permissions system
  • PDF integration module
  • Highly optimized server
  • Secure website setup


  • Pleasant resusable core
  • Pleasant visual data moddler
  • Error and usage information server

A graphic of a USB thumb driveTechnology

  • Microsoft .NET Framework
  • C#
  • LINQ
  • MVC with AJAX
  • HTML
  • Excel
  • Stimulsoft reports


  • NHibernate
  • PostgreSQL