Event Ticket Selling & Scanning
Pleasant Tickets™
The Client’s Need
An IT company no longer desired to maintain and support an event ticket management system they custom built as it was no longer in their core business plan and therefore costing them more to maintain and not generating profits. They needed a software company that could provide an exit strategy for them with continued service to existing clients and providing cash for their other needs.
The Project
Pleasant took over the software and because software is our core competence we were able to efficiently manage it to be sustainably profitable, provide the original owners with some cash, and provide existing clients with continued service. A win-win-win scenario.
Partnering with us is more profitable than running your own software division.
- Outsourced software maintenance
- Outsourced product customer support
- Outsourced product sales team
- Handheld touchscreen system
- Software as a service (SaaS)
- Ongoing IT support
- Urgent support
- Old (legacy) applications
- Old (legacy) database adapter
- Full service hosting
- Email integration module
- Secure website setup
- Software fix estimation
- Microsoft .NET Framework
- VB.net
- C#
- MS SQL Server