
Sell the same ticket for different prices

You may wish to sell the same ticket for different prices according to when, where or how the customer purchases the ticket.


You can adjust pricing through the Catalogues, which allow flexibility of pricing, delivery, and availability of tickets.  You can also affect it via Fees, adding fees for using certain delivery types.


You will need a Ticket or other Product.

  1. Start in Projects -> (Your Project)
  2. Select "New Catalog" and give it a name (Early Bird, Online, At Door, etc)
  3. Select who can purchase these tickets (for webtickets, select Public.  For at-the-door, select Box Office, etc)
  4. For whichever tickets you want to sell in this catalogue, give them their price here.
  • If you wish to charge certain fees with this catalogue, check them at the top.
  • If the ticket should only be available for a certain time, you can provide one here (or for the catalogue as a whole at the top)