Top 10 Ways to Increase User Adoption of Good Security Practices
By implementing a security system such as Password Server, you are taking an essential first step in protecting your company’s data security.
But, even the best system is only effective if it is used by the employees it's intended for. It only takes one careless employee with a significant amount of access to expose your entire firm to a potentially disastrous data breach.
Here are 10 great ways to boost the chances of getting everyone on board with securing your data with a Password Server.
1. Make it Company Policy
Secure password management can’t be optional. Make it a formal expectation. Creating a rule and making any IT network configuration adjustments is already a great start.
2. Lay the IT Groundwork
Draw up an itemized list of the users, accounts, and devices to be incorporated within your password management system. Using Password Server’s powerful custom API, integrate the Password Server with your existing applications and the tools your employees use every day.
3. Keep it Quick and Simple and Effective
Strike a balance between the security you need and the ease of use your employees can cope with. If your security system is cumbersome to use, it becomes a headache. Password Server along with the KeePass client is a top combination worldwide!
4. Incorporate it into Onboarding
By training and making your new employees aware to use your Password Server on day one, you improve the likelihood that it will be part of their daily routine moving forward.
5. Educate your Existing Employees
Take time to make your existing employees aware and provide and necessary training in the use and features of your Password Server, and reinforce their appreciation of the risks posed by poor password habits.
6. Use Enrollment Notifications
An excellent way to boost employee adoption is through a timely notification when a user first joins in. By directly connecting with your newest newbies and actively encouraging them through the process, you’ll earn their long-term loyalty.
7. Make it an Authentication Requirement
If employees need to go through your password service to access your systems, they can’t sidestep it. A few methods are to:
A. Change the existing passwords and make them available from Password Server,
B. Use Single Sign-On,
C. Enable Two-Factor Authentication, or
D. Require Dual Control.
8. Teach the Tricks
Your Password Server is equipped with handy features — Single Sign-On, Auto-Type, Request Access, etc. Help your users realize how easy and powerful password management can be.
9. Post a User Guide
Share items that are specific to users in your organization, and keep the information up to date. Give your new and existing employees an easy source for quick reference.
10. Measure Adoption
Closely track your user metrics; monitor which users and teams are signed in, or are regularly using the Password Server. Take clear follow-up action for those who aren’t yet on board. Share updates with management, and celebrate your success together.